Sunday, September 11, 2005

What an interesting Sunday. I went to Benita's church today to witness Bryan's baptism. For an independent church I must say it's even more formal than my own Anglican church. That's the first time I've seen a worship service conducted with only a violinist and a pianist on a grand piano. And they even mix hymns with contemporary songs, which aren't exactly fast paced either. But oh well, to each his own. It was good to see a different community of believers worshipping God in their own special way.

Bryan sounded amazingly mature behind the pulpit as he read out his testimony. And then afterwards he kept repeating how I was his only classmate present at his baptism, which was an indicator, to him, of how popular he was. To me, it made me look suspiciously like a "loser" being the only one there from the class. hahaha... no lah, it was ok.

At this point I must apologise to Beni for leaving the baptism party without informing her. I'll make up for it one day, 'k?

Oh yes, good news. The very fact that I can sit here and type out this post means that my computer is up and running again! I had to completely reformat it yesterday in order to flush out all the spyware from the system. Like I said on Friday, the spyware had hit me with everything they got the minute I went online to download the free firewall. I think in future when I get a new com, which my father said we should get soon(yay!), I'll go buy a proper firewall from the shops.

And now, to prepare myself for the start of Term 4. The board is set, and the pieces are moving. The end has come. Ye doom draweth nigh. Through the night of doubt and sorrow onward goes the pilgrim band. Dust to dust, ashes to ashes. As it was, so shall it be again. Arm yourselves, and be ye men of valour! Once more, into the breach.

(sorry, that was a sudden bout of freeflow "doomsday" writing. I quite like this sort of literature. The words carry such weight.)

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